Petyr Baelish Littlefinger Costume
Important note for Halloween 2023 – Due to the time that passed since this great show was aired, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep the list of vendors that have those costumes updated. If you reach a “product currently unavailable”, your best chance is to search on Amazon or HalloweenCustomes.

If you ever had dreams on becoming the greatest conspirator, dressing up with a Pyter Baelish – Littlefinger costume is probably the best way of them all. Looking back, it is hard to imagine how we were constantly surprised by his involvement with crucial elements of the story. Obviously, it wasn’t expected when he betrayed Ned Stark in the first season. But he was also involved in killing Jon Arryn, King Joffrey, selling Sansa to the Boltons and more hideous stuff. At times, it seems that during the 67 Game of Thrones episodes he was in, nothing escaped his conspiracy plans. That is of course, except the surprise trial Sansa held for him.
Among the Game of Thrones Halloween costumes, the Littlefinger costume is not one of the more popular. The reasons for that are probably related to Petyr Baelish’s personality. Many would choose not to associate themselves with such character. If you take it to the extreme side, it is like nobody would want to wear a Joffrey Baratheon or Ramsay Bolton costume. Still, while the last two were examples of pure evil, Petyr Baelish was playing the game. He created events and situations that will improve his position and status in the future. As such, there is a good reason why he still have a small fan base of people who want to wear his costume. Petyr Baelish willingness to elevate himself is clearly shown by the fact he created his own sigil, a mockingbird. But moreover by his famous Game of Thrones quote “Chaos is a ladder”.
Wearing a Petyr Baelish costume is not difficult at all. You simply need to have the Littlefinger outfit sold below, the mockingbird sigil pin and fix your mustache (or use one of the options below).

Petyr Baelish Littlefinger Costume
This is an almost complete set for Petyr Baelish outfit. It includes the velvet tunic, the coat and the waist belt. It is made of high quality material and available in many sizes. Don't forget to add the missing accessories, especially the mockingbird pin.

Littlefinger Mockingbird Pin
Important Game of Thrones characters belongs to houses. Those houses has mottos and sigils. Petyr Baelish did not belong to any house but he created his own sigil, the mockingbird, Which he wore proudly always.

Fake Mustache & Beard
For those who can't or simply didn't have enough time to grow a mustache like Littlefinger's, this set of fake mustache and beard will solve the problem. True, buying 72 pieces when you only need 2 might seems excessive but in this price tag don't bother to look for anything else.

Littlefinger Shirt
Petyr Baelish was always full of wisdom. He played the Game of Thrones to win. Making moves and betraying even the people he loved the most. He created chaos in order to elevate himself and coined that phrase and many other. So many wisdom sayings until Sansa told him: "No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I'll assume it was something clever." Great stuff!