Game of Thrones Steins
Using a Game of Thrones stein to drink your favorite beer is a great way to show your fandom to Game of Thrones and the world of Westeros. There are many types of great GoT steins. Some of them are highly decorated some are more simple. Some of them have lids, some doesn’t. In general, there is a little difference between Game of Thrones tankards and Game of Thrones steins. Both of them are usually used to drink beer and have one handle. Steins are mostly made out of ceramic while the tankards usually have a steel insert cup. In any case, that gives a lot more options to choose from.

According to one of our Game of Thrones polls, house of Stark is the most favorite house among Game of Thrones fans. Therefore, it is not surprising that this House of Stark stein, is the most popular of the Game of Thrones steins. It features the usual, direwolf and “Winter is Coming”.

A Lannister always pays his debts. We heard that so many times we wish they owed us something. At least we can drink out of their 22 ounces stein.

House Targaryen beer stein has, as expected their three headed dragon sigil. Above the sigil there is the House Targaryen name and below it, their motto, Fire and blood. Sweet.

House Baratheon is a major noble house in the beginning of Game of Thrones. Robert Baratheon is the king of the Seven Kingdoms. The lid designed to look like king Robert’s crown. As the show progress, many of the Baratheon’s men found there unpleasant death.

“Night gathers and now my watch begins…” If you have no love for any of those noble houses in Westeros, you can still join the black and become a crow. There are many things the Night’s Watch brothers are not allowed to do. Thankfully, drinking beer is not one of those things.