Hangman Game of Thrones Game

How to play Game of Thrones Hangman Game

Playing the Game of Thrones Hangman is simple as it is to play the classic version of hangman. In fact, in this version, the fun is not impacted but even increases as you try to guess the hidden word before your character reach his/her untimely death. The hidden words are Game of Thrones related and so are the characters. This is not an easy game but don’t you dare to give up. And remember, when you play the Game of Thrones Hangman game you either win or your character dies! Even if you prefer to play the game without sound, it is recommended you will play at least once per character with sound as there are some surprises.


As previously mentioned, the hidden words are somehow related to HBO’s show Game of Thrones. The words are mostly taken with reference to the show however, some of the words appeared only in the books. The hidden words can be anything between one to six words. In order to adapt to the hangman game rules, some reductions had to be done. There are no commas, dashes or apostrophes. So for example, the word “Night’s Watch” will appear as “NIGHTS WATCH”. Some words will have the preceding “THE” and some won’t.

There are currently close to 2,000 words.


Although all of the words are related to Game of Thrones, they are also divided into 10 subcategories. The subcategories are: Actors, characters, places, creatures, battles, titles, houses, house mottos, weapons and episodes.  


The game wasn’t meant to be easy so you can use hints to progress in levels. There are 3 different types of hints.

Show category – If you were able to guess a few letters but you have hard time guessing the word, try showing the category. You can even purchase “Always show category” from the store.

Show letter – This hint will help you by showing one correct letter. It is not cheap but it is very useful.

Remove letter – This is the cheapest hint. It will remove one “wrong” letter from the keyword so you will not get an error.


The characters you will save from hanging are from the world of Westeros. There are 11 characters and there will be more. Each character has his/her own way of dying so try getting all of the characters.


Hints and characters cost game coins. You get coins for every time you solve a word and even get free coins every day. If you visit the Master of Coin, you will be able to get coins for watching a short ad video, sharing the game and rating the game. If you need even more coins, purchase the amount you need at the store.