Game of Thrones Ugly Christmas Sweater
Yeah. It is that time of the year again. The one single day you are not only allowed but also expected to wear an ugly sweater. Throw away those reindeer Christmas sweaters and get yourself a new, ugly as hell, Game of Thrones ugly Christmas sweater. We got dozens of styles and colors, house sigils and Game of Thrones quotes. You just need to decide, are you going to have the coolest, ugliest sweater in the seven kingdoms of Westeros?

Candy Throne Santa
When you think about it, Santa is probably the best choice to sit on the iron throne and rule the north. Give him a candy throne instead of an iron and he made it.

Mother of Dragons
A great looking ugly sweater with Daenerys and her dragons. Game of Thrones is coming. Bring it.

The North Remembers
The north remembers and Arya Stark doesn't forget as well. Although she would probably would never be caught alive or dead with this hideous sweater.

Shame! Shame! Shame!
When Michael Bublé wrote the classic hit "jingle bells" he probably had something else in mind. But anyway, you can swing that bell and yell "Shame". Why not?

Targaryen's Dragons
An ugly sweater with two Targaryen's dragons facing each other. The word beautiful doesn't come to mind when you look on that sweater.

A Girl Has No Ugly Christmas Sweater
We all know that a girl has no name, right? But did you know you can have "a girl has no ugly sweater" sweater? Time to rock that office party!

Khaleesi Sweater
We'll never know what Khaleesi ever did that she deserved to be on such an ugly sweater? We still love you Dany.

White Walker
Hilarious sweater with a white walker wearing a Christmas hat. It doesn't get any worse than that. Or does it?

Jon Snow Christmas Sweater
Let it snow, let it snow, let it Snow.

Winter is coming
"Winter is coming" is the most memorable quote on a Game of Thrones Christmas sweater.

Christmas is Coming
When Christmas is coming you should wear ugly sweater. Why? not sure. But still, make sure you choose the one that says the most about you.

Winter is Here
No more winter is coming... If it's ugly sweater time then it is for sure winter. Add a direwolf, a dragon and some swords and you got yourself something ugly to wear.

I Drink and I Know Things
Probably one of the most famous Tyrion Lannister's quotes. And on such ugly color also. Christmas is not the time to stop drinking.

Ugly Christmas is Coming
Another version of Christmas is coming sweater. When there is so much ugliness it is even hard to choose.

3 Dragon Eggs Sweater
Do you remember that one Christmas when you asked Santa for 3 dragons? No? Well, maybe it's because you are not Daenerys.

Ho, Ho, Hodor
Our favorite character, Hodor. With references like: "Ho, Ho, Ho,", "Let is Snow" and others it is hard to imagine George R. R. Martin didn't have Christmas in mind.

That's What I Do
Another ugly version of Tyrion's famous quote on another ugly sweater. A sense of fashion is probably not one of the things he knows...

Let It Snow
Keep it simple and let it snow. Because let it Aegon Targaryen doesn't have the same ring to it. A great Game of Thrones ugly sweater.
Over 20 different Game of Thrones ugly Christmas sweaters is just a tip of the ice wall in the endless land of Game of Thrones merchandise. For other Christmas related merchandise, check our list of Game of Thrones Christmas ornaments and Game of Thrones Christmas cards.